
Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday after Easter

Good Afternoon, dear reader. We continue the Easter journey. Jesus's followers are now aware that He has been resurrected. But, there is more work to be done before His assention into heaven.

The story of the guards.. what can I say?! lol How do they explain the empty tomb? No one would believe their story of an earthquake and an angel. Would you? I'd probably ask what drugs these guys were on! I mean, seriously.. earthquakes and angels and a missing body. Sounds like a bad plot on one of my murder mystery shows that I like to watch. No one wanted to lose their jobs. They didn't want to look like blithering, drugged out idiots. So, what could they say? Enter bribery... works every time! These men weren't followers of Christ. They just did what everyone else would do. Here's some money to keep your mouth shut. I find one flaw in their plan.. the guards wanted to use the excuse that Jesus's disciples came in the night and stole the body. Well, if that were true, then someone was asleep on the job! But, I suppose that's better than the fate that would befall these men if they told the truth! 

On a more serious note, Peter's speech in Acts was a powerful one. I think the one phrase that really stands out was when Peter said, "But God raised Him up, releasing Him from the throes of death, because it was impossible for Him to be held by it" (v 24) Can you imagine!! Jesus could not and would not be bound by death! Wow!! That really packs some punch! But, this shouldn't come as any great surprise to us. Remember, this is the same Man who calmed the storming seas and walked on water! Jesus is our ultimate Superman!! He can do anything! So don't be afraid to reach out to Him. He can bear anything you may be dealing with. Matthew 11:30 even tells us this "For My yolk is easy and My burden is light". 

So, let us savour this week with its promises and hope. Let us use this opportunity to be renewed and refreshed. Come stand in the light of Jesus! And, as always, dear reader... be a nice human. 😇

Reflection on today from Msgr. James Vlaun:

Here is a beautiful, Celtic rendition of "In Christ Alone":

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