
Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter Sunday

Good Morning, dear reader and Happy Easter!!! I am doing something just a tad different this morning. I have chosen the readings myself as well as the verse. 

Throughout this Lenten season, we saw how the coming of Jesus, His life and His ministry, and His ultimate death and resurrection were prophisied in the Old Testament. This was God's promise to us, a Saviour, a King. This give us hope. It keeps our faith. We know we can trust in God's promises. Today, we celebrate that promise. 

That first Resurrection Sunday was not the joyous event that we have today. We have the benefit of knowing the outcome of the story. But, on that day, when the women went to where Jesus was buried and found only a young man sitting there, they didn't know what to make of it. They were afraid if they said anything about seeing this young man in the tomb, they, too, would be crucified. So they stayed silent. 

However, our reading in Acts alludes to what is to come. Since the women at the tomb were afraid to say anything, Jesus had to come back to speak with the others so that they would understand and see that He was indeed raised from the dead, just as He said would happen. Jesus urged His disciples to stay in Jerusalem, to spread the news that He was alive and He would make Himself known to all in just a few short days. 

In the coming days, we will continue to celebrate the resurrection, to celebrate Jesus's promises, to rejoice in His life, and to remain hopeful until the day we are called home. Do not stay silent, as those women did. Speak out! Speak up! Tell the world that Jesus has overcome the dark and brings us new light!! And, as always, dear reader..... be a nice human! 😇

A reflection on the Easter celebration: 

Matt Maher "Christ Is Risen":

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