
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Faith Like A Child

Good Afternoon, dear reader! Today we look at the rest of Peter's speech in Acts. If you recall, yesterday we saw the healing of the beggar. Peter wonders why the people there are so in awe of what just happened and why they are looking at Peter and his companion as if they had performed some kind of miracle. It was not done BY them, but THROUGH them. He advises the people there that they should confess their sins, be forgiven, and then follow Jesus in faith. If Jesus can heal that man, then just think what He can do for you!! 

Moving on to Luke. Jesus is still hanging around and totally spooking people! He shows up at random, as if He is a ghost. In this bit, Jesus decides to check in with His disciples. When they see Him, they are completely freaked out!! How could this be? Is He a ghost? Some sort of spirit? An angel? Jesus, being calm and cool, asks them why they are so scared. It's Him, their Jesus, the one they have been close to and worked with and ate with. Still not convinced, Jesus shows them His scars, "Look at My hands and feet, that it is I myself" (Lk 24:39, NAB). Jesus then asks His disciples if they have anything to eat. This is not necessarily because He is hungry. He wants them to see that He is not a ghost or a spirit or an angel. So He sits down to eat as the disciples watch, which I guess finally convinces them. Then Jesus goes on to explain that everything that has happened was as He told them would happen. This was no great mystery, it harkened all the way back to Moses. 

Are you looking for concrete proof in your relationship with Jesus? Do you need some sort of sign? Or are you trusting in your faith, knowing that Jesus is there with you every step of the way? Children believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and so on. We explain that the reasons we see the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus in all the malls is because they are "helpers", so the child believes. They haven't seen an actual Easter Bunny hopping into their homes, they don't see Santa Claus sliding down their chimney (if they even have one!) but yet they still believe. So, then, why is it so hard for us, as adults, to believe in Jesus? Do we need to see "helpers" every where we go? Do we need Jesus to actually show up at our homes to show us His scars? Perhaps it's because as adults, we develop a more rational brain. One that requires rock solid evidence to believe in something. Maybe we should be like children when it comes to our faith. Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of Him, and He will make straight your paths".

Why not take a chance and believe? What have you got to lose? Let me know in the comments what your choice was. I promise it will be judgement-free. And remember, dear reader.... be a nice human. 😇

Father Bill's take on today's readings:

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